Friday, October 20, 2006


Traditionally we're not the best at keeping plants alive, we forget about them and they usually go unwatered for weeks. While this is obviously good for water restrictions the plants aren't so keen on it. This usually means we only grow Aloe Vera and the like which aren't too fussed when they get watered.

I wanted to add a bit more greenery to a balcony so we took the plunge and got some climbing plants with the idea that they would cover the balcony rails. Well considering our previous track record the two are thriving. The older of the two has managed 2 complete loops of the balcony rails already and it's only a few weeks old. It's even managed to loop back and attach to itself. At this rate the Panama Red Passionfruit will be covering the balcony in no time... In fact it likes it's new home so much it's even hugging the Aloe Vera.

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