Friday, October 27, 2006

At the airport.... again

Well I'm off to Cairns today. Currently I'm sitting in the Virgin Blue Lounge waiting for my flight to start boarding and catching up on some valuable Google Reader time. Now I've been officially labeled "ultimate Nintendo fanboy" I need to keep on top of my Wii news. (In a brief Wii update there is a new trailer out for Red Steel showing off the multiplayer aspects of the game. Let's say it isn't making me want the game any less). The only thing that is holding off complete Wii Gushing is my addiction to Star Wars: Battlefront II for the Xbox, although I have found some time to hack my way through a few levels of Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows with Ness.

Well it's time to board so I'll have to cut this one short.

I will leave you with some more wii goodness though "New Wii hands-ons, plus Phoenix Wright import " from Joystiq

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