Friday, October 27, 2006

And everything that isn’t Gaming

Ok now for the rest of the stuff not related to my current gaming
addiction. We went to trivia last night and had a great night. We
managed a very respectable 3rd with 90 points only 2 behind the winner
for the night. Of course 3rd doesn't get you any prizes but it made us
feel pretty good about the night. I think the biggest surprise answer
that we got right was Vanessa's call with "Jason and Kylie" as the
people who dueted the hit "Especially for you". I think our most
impressive round (although we did get a perfect round first round) was
still the music round with only two missed questions.

Prior to trivia though I did consume "THE BEST" steak sandwich I've
had in a long time, in fact I have two of them. It was so good I even
took before and after photos. As I'm blogging from the plane (by
"blogging" I mean writing this up in a word doc to post later, but it
does make the flight go faster) so the photo post will have to wait
until a little later.

To digress for a little I've just glanced at my battery meter 3:41
(76%) remaining. I guess selecting that power save option and
disabling Wifi in the bios actually does save some power. Also I'm on
a dual battery system today so I've got another one of these to go 

This flight to Cairns is the longest I've been on since our honeymoon
and I'm really starting to appreciate the iPod. Not only have I been
able to listen to the latest Space News, a few of my favourite tracks
and some new music news, I've also managed to listen to my last
singing lesson and mentally practise my exam program. Why didn't I
jump on this band wagon earlier?

Well I think this is about it for plane blogging, the guy in front has
put his seat back and that is pretty much the end of using my laptop.
It's hard enough to use on the plane as it is… That's what you get for
making people jealous with 1920 x 1200 resolution, it's not the
easiest to fit between airline seats.

Time for the DS to get some love.

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