Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Stereotypes the DS breaks (and why MP:H isn't good for plane flights)

On my flight back from Townsville, in what is no surprise, I was happily plugging away at a few missions of AW:DS. I'd tried running through the gamut of games I had with me and it was by far the most practical for a 2 hour plane flight. MP:H (my current favourite) is not a flight friendly game by an stretch of the imagination: 1. You can't play rounds against bots because it turns on the wireless (makes cabin crew cranky) 2. You inevitable get to the end of the flight half way through a stage of the Story mode miles from any save point and have to shut it off! But I digress...

The really amazing part of the journey was spending 20 mins discussing the pros and cons of various games for plane flights with one of the Virgin Blue Hostesses. As the food cart was coming up the centre isle "What are you playing?" floated from one of the hostesses, I replied "A Nintendo DS." Which was greated with "Um, I can see that, what game are you playing?". I must admit it was the last person I expected to be quizzing me on what I was playing. After swapping game catalogs and recommendations until she was kindly reminded that she was supposed to be surving some of the other passengers.

Just another example that the Nintendo isn't just reaching out to the classic basement dwelling gamer...

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