Sunday, August 20, 2006

Cruising through a Sunday Afternoon

After a big, but not huge, night yesterday with Daniel and Georgina's Wedding. I was a little on the fragile side this morning. Not hideously hung over but just enough to know I hadn't had the earliest night. We had a lot of fun at the reception, not impeded at all by the alcohol consumption. The wedding was nice, even if I did find the Priest just a little on the strange side. I must admit it was the first time I've ever heard a Priest say "I just don't know what to say at weddings any more". The both looked very happy though and you can't ask for more than that.

The happy couple headed off from the reception about 10:30, and not willing to call it a night just yet we headed to the The Bowery in the valley to kick on. It was packed, it's been a long time since I've lined up to get into a bar, it was almost enough to call it a night there and then. I'm not sure what time we got home but it wasn't much after 1:30 and that mainly due to the decision to walk home after one look at the cab ranks.

I had to sing this morning which meant an early start and a walk into the city at about 8 so I wasn't feeling the best.

It got better by about midday and I was back on track for the rest of the day. Which was lucky because I was determined not to waste the beautiful weather outside we headed out for a bit of lunch and some cruisy drinks (clearly I hadn't had enough the night before).

It was such a great afternoon with Sun just pouring in over the streets that there wasn't a better way to spend it than sitting out at Girder having a few glasses of wine and spot of lunch with Bee. The only problem was trying to get motivated to do anything else but sit back and soak up some Sunlight.

It was a great afternoon, the food was excellent and pretty cheap (we all ate for about $10 ea), pleanty more wine and a great atmosphere. Couldn't think of a better way to cap off the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. That was some fantastic weather this weekend wasn't it? And it's getting warm enough at nights to leave the top off the car the whole time. Bring on another weekend just like it I say!
