Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Busy week = Quiet Blogging

It's been a while (a week as Ben pointed out) since I've had a post up here (and yes I'm ok).

The last few weeks have been flat out with work, socialising and gaming.

MinX has recovered well from her recent rear window surgery and new shoes . I would highly recommend anyone in need of a rear window replacement in a convertable to check out Lee Brothers at Albion, there service was great and I can't fault the work at all! In fact I have more rear visability that ever, no difference top up or down in the rear view mirror.

Metroid Prime: Hunters has been my poisin of choice of late where gaming is concerned and is probably holds a lot of the responsibility for the lack of blogging taking up about every spare minute. Honestly, it's not my fault! If Nintendo hadn't put up online stats, point system and rankings I wouldn't feel the need to try and edge my self up a few spots every waking moment.

I did glut myself on the Saturday with Andrew and Valavien coming over for a massive 6 hour session of glorious DS action. In the end I had to stop only because my eyes were getting sore... We even had music provided by electroplankton (
"Man I'm still geeking out about it"

I haven't managed to pick it up again since really. Not even for quick lunchtime gaming session but mainly because my battery's been flat.

The biggest problem with regular blogging at the moment is my phone's refusal to send emails. No real reason, it has just decided that it doesn't want to email. So that puts a pretty dampner on "blogging on the go".

So I'm still alive... just slowly blogging.

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