Monday, July 03, 2006

Week(end) in review.

It's been a bit of a nightmarish week work wise and as a result I haven't managed to get around to posting here yet. So I'm trying for a week in review post, but I'm really sure I'll get much more than the weekend in (as most of the week is just a distant blur now).

Tuesday, hardly started off well with the Socceroos being knocked out of the World Cup. I managed to get almost enough sleep so the day wasn't too stressful in that regard. A late start at work helped a fair bit although the general in-fighting at the client wasn't much fun to sit through and mediate for 8 hours. With Ness heading off to Sydney I tried for some (fairly rare as Metroid occupies most of my online gaming) Xbox Live sessions with Valavien. We managed however to time it perfectly with a scheduled outage so we called it a day and I played Metroid online until I fell asleep on the couch (which didn't help my stats). Much of the same workwise for Wednesday, and a fairly quiet night as I was starting to come down with a cold. Thursday was a nightmare day, I was double booked at work which meant three quarters of a day onsite for one client followed by another 8 hours of work offsite. This was a little hard to get in as I had to sing that night from 5 until 7 then pick up Ness from the airport (which took a little longer than expected with her bags going missing). Still it was nice to have her home again even if it was only to keep me company while I was working. Friday was well and truly welcome, my customer was very cruisy and sent me home early which meant more time at the Belgian Beer Cafe. Ness picked up some great new trinkets from a little shop in the Elizabeth arcade, including a mario themed bear and a new retro styled alarm clock.
Belgian was great, Ben had booked a table for dinner which resulted in lots of Hogardens and chips followed by some great food (the mussels there are about the only time I miss not being able to eat seafood). We spent most Saturday in a very Teneriffe mood, after seeing my parents off on their trip to China and having MinX detailed, we checked out some of the new apartments in London (which felt very small and I hope they work out some way of dealing with the bird problem) and Carson Woolstores just for a bit of a sticky beak punctuated with a bit of lunch at the bottom of our building.
With a bit of inspiration from the new places we set off to Ikea for a few ideas (and nick nacks) before heading back home were I collapse on the couch (still sick) and missed the England match.
Had an uneasy nights sleep while my body wrestled with what ever it is I have, so Sunday saw a bit of a sleep in before I headed off to the Nintendo Connection Tour '06. Heaps of people there but it was a bit dissapointing. There weren't as many free downloads as I was hoping and with all the wireless traffic there was a bit of lag when the DSs were some distance apart. Had a few online games though and got a wrist strap for the DS. Would have loved to get one of the been bags but I wasn't willing to hang around all day to try and win one. Filled in the afternoon with a trip to see Superman, which wasn't a bad movie although all the <references omitted because of spoilers, you can ask me once you've seen it> annoyed me too much to say it was a good movie. Had dinner with Tom, Susan and Valavien before I crashed again and endded up at Monday and work.

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