Monday, July 10, 2006

Some work around the house.

I haven't reall done much in the way of bits and pieces around the house since we moved. A couple of weeks ago we managed to get lots of wedding photos up on the wall but other than that we haven't done much. I decided that this weekend we should get some of our art up on the wall. The priority was the awesome wall hangings that Mandy and Tom gave us as wedding presents.


They look great on the wall, and there were only a few minor techincal issues about getting them up there and only a few more holes than I actually needed in the walls.

We also mounted up a new blind to cover off the study as a psuedo door. Seems to work really well although doesn't really look much from the photos I could take.

My only (real) problem is now the art is up on the wall is it makes the TV look just a bit small... Easily fixed though...

End sarcasm here.... (as I run for my life!)

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