Thursday, July 06, 2006

Another heavy coffee day...

It really is the season of sport at the moment, The State of Origin last night (Go Queenslander!) and the other Semi Final (not quarter as I said yesterday... think I left my brain at home) of France and Portugal (Viva la France) this morning has left me a little on the sleep deprived side.

To Ness's credit though she's made it through both early matches with only a little 'nanna nap' in the second half of the Italy game yesterday.

So I'm out for another coffee (in what I imagine to be a quite a few) before another late start at this weeks client (it's great when the client suggests that you should start at 10 because that's when they start).

Unfortunately that has meant I have been spending the few hours before hand keeping up with everything else workly, which hasn't left much time for anything else gaming or otherwise. In an effort to get more Xbox Live time, I've tried to organise a fortnightly session... not sure if we'll ever get there but at least it's in everyone's diary!

The next Pirates movie is out today which looks great (well great as far as the last one was great.... switch you mind off at the door fun). Johnny Depp seems to be in the same form as he was in the first movie... Hoping to check it out tomorrow night and see..

And continuing my unhealthy obsession with all things Nintendo, this is the Mario themed bear (which Ness thinks looks like a mouse) I got last week.

The Mario Bear (mouse)

1 comment:

  1. It's called a Qee. It's one of the most popular japanese vinyl collector toys along with Bearbriks, Kubriks and Dunnys. Artists make limited edition versions that can fetch thousands on e-bay.
