Thursday, March 09, 2006

Productivity Zero...

I've had the least productive day I've had in a long time... I've spent most of today chasing my tail. Today just seems to be a continual stream of stuff that could be easily avoided if anyone stopped and though about what they were asking/looking for, for more than 0.0001 of a second. How some people know so little about their job is simply astounding! And just to add icing to the cake having project managers second guess customers requirements because it's not the way would have it work and that's the way the customer should be trained is just joyous and should make for some fun project meetings during training... And if anyone opens there mouth muttering gibberish resulting to mislead customers I'm going to end up rocking on the floor in the fetal position!

As a result I've got nothing done that I was supposed to get done today and my overall achievement for the day has been minimal... So to make myself feel a little more accomplished I've been blogging, as you can see just a post or two :)

At least I've done something constructive today.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh so you might have an inkling of what it's like to work in government after all ;)
