Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The point of no return....

Well it's 4am and I'm sitting at my PC watching ITSM Definition Set Validation process bars tick past. The ITSM development is for yet another demo where the customer wants to see their actual processes completely mapped out and customised in the system. Obviously this causes some amounts of pain, the development cycle for ITSM is not generally a short one and this is usually overlooked when sales reps commit to the demo. I can see where the customer is coming from and if the tables were turned I'd be looking for exactly the same sort of assurances that the product would perform to expectations. I just wish that it didn't need to be built with 3 days notice when it's about 3 weeks work and when I'm already booked on someone elses project!

I've been working on this demo for the best part of the last 18 hours and it's coming to that time where the decision to just stay up and work or get a couple of hours shut eye. I've got another meeting at 7:30 in the morning and I think the chances of me getting up again for that are limited so I think I'll just push through.... Think I might go home early today....

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