Sunday, March 12, 2006

Conscious and almost human again....

Today was well and truly a recovery day.... After a night of way too many mixed drinks I struggled to get out of bed before 1:30 to only go back to sleep by 2... Unfortunately I had to actually leave the house to go and what Ness play soccer, not really sure how she had the energy because it took all my effort just to get out of bed.

Now I've had dinner and about 10L of water I actually almost feel normal again.

Yesterday (before the large level of alcohol consuption) was spent at the Go Kart track. We had timed races and a few practice laps which was great fun...We had 11 guys running around the track and ended up trashing about 5 karts in the process with our carnage. Let's face it we managed give the crashed a fairly good run for their money...There weren't many laps that we got through without a scene or two like this.

caught all the action for us and I've put all the photos from the day up on Flickr.

All in all (despite the huge hang over) it was a great day... Thanks to everyone for coming along and thanks to Tom and Craig for organising it!


  1. Thanks for the photo link Cam... classic... I love my "teacher! teacher! Ben said..." perfectly correct straight raised arms... classic...

    Great afternoon of fun. You better organise it for your bday as discussed later that night. I think we can still break more carts ;)

  2. And because it must be mentioned...

    Kudos goes to Tom (Fast Lap), Greg (Fast Lap in Final) and Cameron (ahead on points over the day).

    And of couse to me, for taking out the final whilst driving a car about 6 inches too short for my (tire burnt) legs... :-)


    Awesome day indeed.
