Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It's Official, The Wharfedales are no more

I did it. It was hard but I let the wharfedales move on to be loved by someone else. Someone through a friend of a friend found out I had an extra set of speakers that sounded like they would go well with his newly purchased plasma. After a brief audion he decided they were the ones for him. Having another listen to them all hooked up reminded me just how good these speakers where in the first place, especially the amount of bass they could produce when I demoed the Star Wars Episode III Disc. Even after he request a test with the sub on to see the difference I was evident that the Diamond 8.4s could lend a lot of authority to any sound track.

The lounge room feels kind of empty with only one set of speakers in it. It feels like I've gained 50% of the room back.

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