Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ahhh... Alcohol

Yesterday was a very alcohol fueled day. I went barefoot bowling down at New Farm bowls club as a bit of a boys day/morning out. I have to admit that any "sport" where you can happily knock back quite a few drinks has to have a tick in my book, especially when you start playing at 10am and it's expected that you've had at least one round before you take the green!

It was great fun, I have to admit it's much more fun to play than it ever looks in any ABC telecasts, probably because most of the players don't have the bowl in one hand and a beer in the other. The only real draw back of the day, apart from my team getting their butts kicked 11-1 in the first round, was the fact that I didn't really take sun protection into account and now am feeling a little on the tender side.

Also on the alcohol front, went out for a great dinner with a very good friend from my last job which resulted in lots of scotches and glasses of wine. This seemed like a perfectly good way to pass the evening... that is until this morning. Although I don't have a hang over my voice isn't exactly in the best of form and I have to sing in under two hours... I think it's going to be a long warm up this morning.

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