Friday, December 16, 2005

Yay!!!! More Early Christmas Presents

I got a wonderful little package on my desk this morning from Lik Sang! I'd ordered a couple of copies of Puzzle Bobble for the DS back at the start of November with a few other bits and bobs. But as the game has now been delayed until March (at least at Lik Sang) I pulled the game out of the order so everything else would ship. I got the notification yesterday that the items had shipped, but considering it's christmas I hardly expected to get the package today! The best bit is it included a couple of PowerStick Arcade controllers for the GameCube also with a few other free trinkets that they threw in for Christmas! (aw, ain't that nice)

Now I'm set for arcade games on both my Xbox and GameCube! Bring on the Christmas holiday arcade action I say! (Unfortunately I have about a weeks worth of work to finish by the end of the weekend so I don't think I'll be getting much gaming action in then)

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