Tuesday, December 13, 2005

DVD Player Shootout

It's coming to the end of the DVD title fight for the replacement of my Onkyo DV555s. The current contenders are :-

Yamaha DVD-S657B
Toshiba SD-350E

The main differences are the Yamaha does SACD and DVD-A where the Toshiba has HDMI output.

The review of the Toshiba on HomeCinemaChoice.com has this to say :-
The 350E’s pictures both dazzle and disappoint,depending on what you’re expecting..... The picture is impressively detailed,even without upscaling help,achieved without the forced look and noise seen on most budget decks...... Moving to digital HDMI feeds, a simple 576p signal benefits from extra clarity,precision and colour lustre.However, stepping up to 720p and 1080i is not quite the success we’d hoped for.......It seems the 350E’s scaling processor just isn’t up to the mark – the artefacts it generates during its scaling actually counteract some of the benefits it’s striving to achieve.
So it would seem the addition of HDMI is not all it's cracked up to be. Where as the review of the Yamaha :-
The DVD-S657’s picture quality is, not surprisingly, just as good as the DVD-557 – which is to say excellent...... the deck resolves oodles of fine detail from the DVD and presents a sharp, stable and realistic image.
The obvious advantage of the Yamaha is the High resolution Audio, but it does have a 108MHz/12-Bit video DAC which removes some of problems of not having an HDMI connection. With them both being the same price and getting 5 star ratings it's a tough call. I think it's going to be a matter of test and see.

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