Monday, December 12, 2005

DVD Blow out.

With all the Christmas sales on DVDs at the moment we had a bit of a DVD blowout yesterday. We haven't bought any DVDs in ages so it wasn't too much of a surprise to get so many in one go.

Ness picked up the John Hughes 80's Collection. I'd never seen the Breakfast club (one of her favourite movies), I just couldn't get into it. Maybe not seeing as a kid in the 80's makes it harder to relate to now? Who knows, it was a good movie I just couldn't get into the same way.

With the DVD Player still out of action it was up to the iMac to fill in the DVD duties for the night. It was at this point I discovered on of the problems with LCDs as a display. The backlighting has all sorts of Light leaks if you watch it in complete darkness. With a bit of ambient lighting you don't notice the backlight but if the only the panel is on you start seeing the backlight pattern in the display...

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