Thursday, November 03, 2005


On a day where I was silly enough to leave my own DS at home! In the rush to get out this morning to get to work early (7:15 to be exact, which included walking across from Southbank!) I left the DS behind, mainly because Nessa's DS was flat from playing too much ZooKeeper and she had to swap to mine! Now I'm at work, with no DS for the bus trip home (or to play at lunch!) maybe I'll just have to buy a Micro to get by! They do come out today ;)
DSlessness asside, there has been an announcement on Joystiq about some New Mario DS details, screens.
Jeux France has picked up some new Famitsu scans of the upcoming Mario platformer for the Nintendo DS, and the details are tantalizing and exciting. The scans show Mario in a typical side scrolling adventure, albeit with a few quirky additions. First off is the size issue: some images show Mario the size of the entire screen, while others show a tiny Mario facing off against the likes of giant lava worms and colossal goombas. The other tidbit to pick up from the scans is a new power up - in some pictures you can see Mario wearing a blue turtle shell on his back, with each color giving Mario a different power (sounds reminiscent of Super Mario World and the shells Yoshi could swallow).
It's awesome news with so far very little being previously known about the new Mario title. The Mario titles have to be my favourite of all the console games. I'm a sucker for platformers and have become quite attached to the old Super Mario World (which any one could plainly tell if they ever heard my phone ring. There hasn't been a new 2D Mario title for some time and for me the 3D incarnations of Mario don't hold the same appeal as the 2D side scrollers. If Mario Kart wasn't coming out in a couple of weeks I think I'd have to go searching for one of the GBA titles just to tie me over!

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