Thursday, November 17, 2005

Useless Internet Service Providers!

So I moved in 4 days ago (of course I'm using 'moved in' in a very loose sense) and I'm still in a communication black hole. I've been with Ozemail for a long time (at least 10 years) so I would have expected some level of service for my loyalty... Apparently I was very much mistaken. When they were taken over by iiNet I opted to get my phone hooked up with them as part of a deal for faster internet, this (of course) has been my downfall. I can't have my ADSL (or just about any other service on the planet) connected until I have my phone connected (despite being with the same company) and having my phone moved from my old place seems to be a mammoth task. I called to organise to have the service moved the day that I discovered I was moving, which turned out to be just shy of two weeks notice. Still without connection yesterday, I call Ozemail back (obviously there is no web interface for hooking up or monitoring your new phone service, where only an ISP) sat on hold for an hour to be told that they 'missed' hooking up my service and it would be done as the highest priority. So this morning (about 22 hours later) still no phone, on the phone to Ozemail again to discover that it hasn't been done because of an assigning fault, it was assigned to the 'provisioning team' instead of the 'phone' team. The inspiring words I was given about the chance of having a phone today were 'It's been given the highest priority and they're working as fast as they can, but we can't guarantee it will be done before the end of the week'. So tomorrow is D-Day, no phone, no more Ozemail. My favourite part of the conversation was the sign-off from the person helping me with my issue... "Well goodluck with that" Grrrrr!!!

.......End 'no internet/phone' Rant

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