Thursday, November 24, 2005


Well I'm not sure there is such a thing but I definitely have Monday-itis today! After two days of nothing but Alt-Tab, Ctrl-C, Alt-Tab, (random series of) Tabs, Arrow-Keys, Ctrl-V... Repeat, my brain has gone on strike! The current customer I'm working for needs some data migrated for a new system, unfortunately their current system consists of 100s of Excel spreadsheets (basically one Excel file for each record!) in varying formats. The formats are so varied that it was completely impractical to write any sort of script/macro to get the data in a suitable format. So as a result there is a lot of manual intervention. This morning, however, my brain has had enough "GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO!!!!!"

Had another good singing lesson last night... which resulted in getting a new song, getting praised for singing of new song :), finding out about a concert in less than 2 weeks and putting some polish on the piece for Mandy's Wedding (despite having really bad stomach cramps which made it rather difficult to do anything with my diaphragm).

Went for a bit of a walk last night and ended up browsing the windows of a few of the furniture stores that are ridiculously close to our new house. In doing so I discovered the Strata from King Furniture. It's just about the funkiest couch I've ever seen, of course it's only about $8000 for the two pieces in the photo, but that doesn't make me want it any less. I think any spare time on the weekend is going to be spent furniture shopping!

There is lots of news around about the release of the Xbox 360, the most disturbing (although not surprising) is all the press about the errors and failures that new owners are experiencing. 1up has a report on some of the crashes that are out there at the moment... seems like there are a few black (blue was so last season!) screens of death out there for the 360. Hopefully the 360 didn't go through the same QA team as Microsoft CRM!

Good news on the DS front with some big sales figures in the US on Mario Kart DS and people getting online! Apparently almost half of those with Mario Kart have logged on to the Nintendo wireless newtork. Now if I only had internet.... stupid Ozemail grumble grumble

That's about it for this week so far, I've got a pretty big weekend planned... with the first (of probably many) Christmas parties to attend! Bring on the Silly Season!


Vanessa said...

I think Maggie's comments were along the lines that you should prostitute yourself out as a vocal whore in Logan (i.e. at Phoenix or Logan Christmas Carols).

Harsh, but seem fair.

Anonymous said...

The XBOX 360's most pressing problem is that people can't get their hands on one, if this compounded by the fact that it'll be faulty when they do get it... ouch for Microsoft.

Unknown said...

I think she actually said I shouldn't prostitute myself out actually...

Anonymous said...

That's why the aussie fans shouldn't complain too much about getting it in March as hopefully the issues will be fixed. I have been reading that it's caused by the video card overheating or the powersupply.

Unknown said...

I have been reading that it's caused by the video card overheating or the powersupply.
If that is the case it's more of a problem than if it was buggy code. Overheating problems will mean a redesign of the case will be needed, so rather than a software patch they will have to change the manufacturing process for the Xbox 360.

Anonymous said...

even more reason to be happy to wait until March