Monday, November 07, 2005

So much DS time

While I've been up in Toowoomba I've got more tine go on the DS than I have go the last few weeks. Nothing like having friends who are just as addicted to the console as you are. There have been a few new DS games that I've had the chance to audition while i've been here as well. The Kirby game is by far my favourite. It combines everything i love about Yoshi: Touch and Go! With the classic 2d platforming genius of the Mario series. The Retro: Atari Classics is a complete disappointment. Most of the games are hard to control or counter-intuitive and the'Remix' versions are just terrible. The only half decent game is Asteroids but it's hardly the most exciting version, I've got an OS-X widget that's much more enjoyable to play! The ZooKeepers battles have been continuing but at least I've been able to who a few more or at least present some competition. It will be a shame to leave all the DS wireless action behind when I head back to Brisbane tomorrow, but it's not long until MarioKart DS hits our shores and then it will be online gaming a plenty!

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