Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Boots are made for walking

Having move much closer to the city I've found myself not only using
the car less (because lets face it Ness uses it most of the work week)
but also using any form of motorised transport less.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've walked to my office in the city
and for all of this week (and some of last week) I've hoofed it to and
from my customer's site in Bowen Hills. It has to be the most relaxing
way to get to work by a long way (except when you're running late, but
hey everything is stressful then). My only complaint (not much I can
do about it though) is that it's starting to get pretty hot, even at 8
in the morning you still feel a little on the warm side by the time
you've made it to work.

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