Sunday, October 30, 2005

You know your friends are gamers when....

So you've seen the PSP advertisement (not that I'm trying to push the PSP campaign, but stay with me!) where the 4 people are at the beach and they all pull out there PSPs lean up against the car and playing wireless games... I remember seeing the ad and thinking, that sort of thing doesn't happen... well as I've discovered, when you have a DS and Ness has a DS AND you're friends have a DS it does happen...
The only thing wrong with this picture is I'm not playing a DS!!!
Currently everyone is getting stuck into Meteos, Yoshi Touch and Go! and Zoo Keeper. There was a bit of a Meteos challange just make sure that everyone's wifi was working. As a result of spending an hour and a half playing the DSes in the Indroopilly shopping centre car park, Ness wants her own copy of Zoo Keeper and Amelia wants her own DS!

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