Monday, October 10, 2005

Triumphant Return to the Blog

After a considerable absence from entries I've managed to get back to posting a new entry. The combination of being sick and working just about every waking hour made the thought of sitting in front of the PC for any longer than absolutely necessary a stomach churning proposition. Unfortunately over the weekend I managed to eat something I was allergic to and was sick again! (this is starting to become a regular occurrence) On the brighter side I had a weekend free from the thought of ITSM which was a welcomed change from the last month.

As for an update for the last few weeks, I've manage to get to precious little gaming. When I have managed to fit something in it has been mostly around the DS and Advance Wars. I've been tempted by the new Advance Wars: Dual Strike but I've committed to finishing the original GameBoy title.

In a strange turn of events Ness has managed to amass more DS titles than I have... Burn Direct had a one day member's sale on Saturday which I had intended on using to pick up a few of the titles that had been slow to make it to the PAL market. However, the only title I managed to find was Meteos. So that combined with Nintendogs and Yoshi Touch and Go! takes her well and truly into the lead! I must admit the multiplayer gaming on the DS has really matured over previous handhelds. The ability to play with others without the need for everyone to have their own copy of the game is a delight! (except when you're trying to beat Ness at puzzle games).

In other weekend news I managed to get to my first A-league match. It was a great night, despite the fact that the Roar couldn't topple the Mariners. The goal by Hyuk-Su Seo in the 57th minute was just amazing! Suncorp looks to be a great venue for the games, the seats that Amy, Ness and I had were great, really close to the action but still with a great view of the whole park! I think we're now firmly cemented into going to every remaining game.

I disappointing missed most of the Supercheap 1000 on Sunday due to my allergic reaction on Saturday night and spending most of the day in recovery mode. I did manage however to see the huge crash on lap 144 sparked by an incident between Murpy and Ambrose, and lets face it... it's all about the crashes!

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