Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Storm Season

I love the storm season, ever since I was a kid I would always love watching the
storm fronts form, move in across the sky and be captivated by the lightning
dancing through the sky. Even now the feeling in the air that a storm is on the
way is enough to make me feel that little bit excited. Last night as the storm
got into full swing we sat back in a darkened room and watched the flashes as
they lit up the night. Of course that alone didn't last long so it was
accompanied with a few hours on the DS. I've taken Ness's copy of Meteos
hostage, and have begun to discover why she is so addicted to it. I fear I will
be getting my own copy in the not to distant future.

In the end it was a great night; Hamburgers, Storm, Lightning and DS Challenges!
Honestly could you ask for anything else!

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