Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The perils of wireless gaming

So you're sitting parked in your car waiting for, what ever it is your waiting for. You're about 15 mins early so you pull out your DS and start to give Bowser the beating of a lifetime (well at least this lifetime any way). As you finish a level you glance around to notice that the car on the other side of the street where there is someone else with the same idea. DS illuminating the cabin of the car, stylus in hand frantically trying to win what ever it is he is playing. Here comes the dilema... How do you let the other DS owner that they are near a DS that's willing to play multiplayer games? (other that waving your hands around madly and point at your DS like a mad man...which from all experience doesn't work)
Would be a nice feature if the DS were wireless aware enough... obviously there are all sorts of technology issues with this (using too much power having the wireless continually broadcasting etc) but it would be a nice feature....

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