Friday, September 02, 2005

My First DS Title (and a bit of a games shuffle)

After much deliberation over the title I was going to get for my DS, I finally came to a decision.
I thought it was fitting to get the game that symbolises Nintendo as my first full title for the Console. Super Mario 64 DS is a rework of the existing Nintendo 64 title. The game also includes a series of mini games (that you unlock during the course of the main game) which are every bit as addictive as Wario Ware, Inc: Mega Microgame$. With only 150 stars to collect it should be a fairly long playing title (as with all the games from the Super Mario Series and one of the reasons I picked it as my first title) especially as I've only got 4 so far!

On other gaming fronts I managed to finish Metroid: Fusion during my last few bus rides. It was a highly involved side scrolling shooter. Partly one of the reasons that I finished so quickly was the inability to put it down. The completion of every stage spurs you on to get that bit further through. They've combined the unlocking of new components perfectly with the completion of stages to get that urge to try out your newly unlocked feature leading to an endless cycle. With the end of that GBA title I started on Astro Boy: Omega Factor. It's more of a side scrolling beat'em up with a few shooter elements. It's pretty easy to push through the stages (I completed 7 in the first couple of times I played it) but it's fast paced action and regular check points makes it a great "pick up at the bus stop" game.
I've also moved on from Zelda: Four swords and I'm mucking around with the Kongas on Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat. It's worth pulling out just to see people trying to play a platform game with a set of Konga Drums!

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