Tuesday, August 23, 2005

No "Bus Blogging" Today

After trying to convince myself to ride into work for weeks I finally made the effort and got to work completely under my own steam!
The ride was remarkably short, I managed to leave home, get to work, get changed, shower, and shave all in 30 mins. This is handy because it use to take me over 40 mins just to get to work on the bus.
The only down side to the ride was the Magpie trying to kill me. The problem is this (as described on NatureBase)
During the nesting season between August and October, after the chicks have hatched, both male and female magpies often vigorously defend the nest by
swooping and diving at potential intruders. Care should be taken not to approach
nest sites during this short period.
Apparenly there is a nest on part of the bike track that I follow on the way to work, I had a brief encounter with this magpie on Sunday where it got me square in the side of the head (if being hung over wasn't enough!)
Today it only manage to glance off the top of my helmet but still not much fun.
Oh... back to the title... I was riding in today so no time to blog (or DS) on the bus, when I can master writing on my PDA and riding I'll get back to you.

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