Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Musical Toys

You'll be pleased to know (I'm looking at you Amy!) that this is my 3rd post in a row that hasn't been about gaming. (Vanessa however has posted one for me!)
I got a new toy/useful tool that I've been waiting for about 4 months! It's a Musical Keyboard to go with the iMac and Garageband. I've been painfully plugging away at Garageband adding in accompaniments to songs and excercises for my singing lessons using the mouse and the staff input. I've been after a keyboard because playing a chord is so much faster than adding the 5-8 notes in by hand! Finally it is here! Unfortunately I'm so busy with work at the moment I doubt I'll get any time to use it before the weekend :(
For those who are interested it's a M-Audio 61es Semi Weighted keyboard.

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