Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm sure the DS is feeling neglected!

With my new obsession/addiction taking hold I managed to have an entire day free from the DS without any side effects... So far!
Today was a public holiday in Brisbane so last night I went over to a friends place for a night of takeaway and some gaming. We were planning on spending the night on Xbox live, but with the scheduled maintenance that became an impossible task. Unfortunately the DS also made the trip with me and ultimately encouraged some more anti-social behavior. It seems the combination of a new toy and Metroid: Fusion is proving hard for me to put down.
I did manage a few rounds of Road Rage on Burnout 3: Takedown before the DS took hold. In my defense though everyone else was doing there own thing too... I'm sure they didn't mind!
As yet I'm still just enjoying GBA games on the DS (with the occasionally dab of the Metroid Hunters Demo) I haven't got a DS game yet for fear that I'd need to be surgically removed from it!
In terms of a good GBA game I highly recommend Metroid: Fusion, the combination of side scrolling shooter tied with a few puzzles here and there is perfectly balanced. Also being a handheld game there are enough save points hanging around that you don't have to worry about leaving the console turned just so you don't loose you progress.

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