Monday, July 11, 2005

Is Sony's SonicStage the worst digital music program

I've recently upgraded my portible MiniDisc player to a Hi-MD compatible player. My last MD Player met an un-timely demise one day on the way to work when it decided that it nolonger wanted be a portable music device but a paperweight.
My only problem with the whole system is the SonicStage that is used to rip and transfer tracks to the MD unit. It's doesn't recognise new CDs on insertion, using the CD info update will update track names but not the number of tracks. So if you start with a disc of 10 tracks and then insert a CD of 11 tracks it will still only recognises 10 tracks. As a result you end up restarting the application everytime you want to insert a new CD. Even if there is a way to do it the process is not intuitive and as a result frustrating.
The transfer process to MD is a welcome change to the real time transfer from CD for most MD decks but it's not the best software to transfer your CD library.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, I live my Ipod and Itunes or gtkpod and amoraK for something different.
