Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Have I forgotten how to blog?

Although it appears that I have become severed from my blog! I have managed to work out how to blog again.

A lot has been happening since I last posted, most recently we became owners of a new camera. We're heading off on holidays in just over a week and have been planning a trip along the Great Ocean Road in Victoria. Our last camera, a Pentax which Vanessa brought back from a trip to New Orleans, is well and truly on it's last legs and is past being useful for anything other than a paper weight.

I was keen to get the latest Lumix from Panasonic. I had played with the orginal Mega Zoom camera from Panasonic and was really happy with the pictures that it took. The latest offering in the range is the DMC-FZ20 a 5 Megapixel camera with 12x Optical Zoom and Manual Focus. About as close to a Digital SLR as you can get.

After a bit of research we decided we didn't have enough time to do full research on a new top of the line camera and decided to go for a happy snap option. The winner in that department was the Pentax Optio s30 which Vanessa is Very Very Happy with!

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