Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Warning! Critical Mass Reached.

It's Happened... Obviously it was inevitable, but the DVD stand has
hit Critical Mass. (actually if it wasn't for the fact that a few of
them were out on loan I'd be overflowing). Having reached the point
where the stand can no longer hold any DVDs I have been offered a few

1. I could stop buying DVDs (Hello... Like that was ever going to happen T.)

2. I could buy an Onkyo DV-M301 DVD changer, employing the same
solution that worked for CDs so well

3. I could sell some of the DVDs to buy new one... (Hoard... I must hoard!)


4. I could buy a new stand..

Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to settle for number 4, as
good a solution as number 2 is I'm told it's really hard to watch DVDs
when you're dead.


  1. Option no 2, Option no 2!

  2. I reckon you would get a few DVDs in before you die.

    Have a go, you could always say I gave it to you :)


  3. Nah, I have already tried that trick but we were sprung

  4. How long will you be able to hold out!
