Thursday, November 25, 2004

Chris Joss Funks on in

After searching for the album on the web without much success, I was lucky enough to stumble across it in JB yesterday purely by accidental. It was fairly reasonablely priced so I snapped it up. I always find these CDs a bit of a risk, I'd only heard Discotheque Dancing off the album and although it's a very funky track, I often discover that the rest of the album is not of the same genre. I'm pleased to say that Chris Joss has managed to turn out a excellent album and dispel my fears of owning another 'one track album'. He's maintained the funky theme throughout all the tracks. I've found myself grooving along to the tracks almost unconsciously. In fact even whilst writing this I've got 'A Part in that Show' spinning in the background and I have to consciously stop my head from bopping along and my feet from tapping. There are times (like the track 'Drink me hot') in the album where you could be forgiven for thinking you've slipped in the soundtrack to a 70s Crime fighting show. All the tracks have a very authentic 70s Funk feel to them.

This is one disc that is going to be on high rotation in my collection for a while I think.

1 comment:

  1. How about digital cameras? Got any advice? I'm lookin to get one and I figured the best way to get advice is just ask random people.
    My site is if you want to add your 2 cents.

